Chirpchirp! :D

Friday, April 22, 2011

Who Says?

For one, this song is kinda amateur-ish.
For two, it's kinda addictive.
For three, maybe less is more.
For four, maybe this song can kinda rock.
My head's been kinda mixed up lately.
There's been lots to think about.
And it's really obvious that I haven't been on here for a long time.
(But I'm still not willing to admit this is a dead blog. It's alive, I think. At least there's some sort of organism commenting in the c-box. That's something...)
*cough cough*
Well, here's what happened during the whole time I haven't been around to talk about it here.
First, there were the exams.
Due to some tard-tastic stroke of luck, I'm the 'pelajar terbaik tingkatan 2'.
At an average of 88.89, I was expecting not even to get into the top 3.
Am I setting the bar too high? O_O Beats me.
At least I know what I'm doing is never enough for myself.
That's why it's so easy to get frustrated sometimes.
I realise that I've given up on a lot of things in my life. And I'm just really really lucky that I haven't really given up on the academic side.
Sigh. It's just a lot on the plate, ya know?
Second, newspaper collection.
That has got to be the most fun I've had since 2A1.
Okay, maybe I wasn't going for the hands-on approach since I couldn't go collecting from the streets with y'all, but it was so..AWESOME watching you guys do so.
But already, I'm doubting my ability to be the KT of 2A1.
I mean, I always get the feeling I'm doing something wrong, and there's just ..SOMEONE waiting to catch me out.
Would it be easier just to not be the KT?
But that would be chickening out, just like almost everything I've ever done in my life.
It's sad. Really sad.
That's why Selena Gomez is really keeping me up now. (:
HMM...what else?
Oh yeah.. there was the LKT camp. Which was really cool.
All of us Form 2 girls slept in the same class, I think it was 1A6?
I slept in between Hui Er and Nicole. SLEEPING BAGS! XD
Can you believe it was my first time sleeping in a sleeping bag? I'm so clueless.
I think the 4 most memorable things from the camp were:
1. I got to know Isabel and Jia Yan better. (Isn't that awesome?)
2. Holding on for dear life onto the cubicle doors while someone else was showering so that it wouldn't open.
3. Brother zai shui jiao...
4. Sheng Zhe trying to hunt Isabel down to gangbang her but totally failing.(You get my drift)
Erm.. what else?
Oh yes.
My six/seven(I'm not sure) children.
Uhm, I'm not sure who's older and who's younger..But I'm positive that Michelle's the oldest, and Hui Er's the youngest. The others are Jia Yu, Wei Kee, Yun Yee, Rachel..
Yeah man, sukan saringan just finished...
So cool.
I had BSMM duty in the RC room on the last day.
It was quite busy, I guess. For some reason, everyone carried Tino on the stretcher to the RC room even though his leg muscles were already fixed..
Oh well, free ride I guess.
Argh... Junior 2 test coming soon. 30th in fact. WHEEE..........poop.
We just changed the classroom seating plan.
My seat is way at the back, but it's surprisingly okay there. I can see and hear everything. That's good.
But some people think that the new plan is worse than the old one. I'm not sure.
I think there're some haters lurking around. Sigh. Again.
Hmm..I guess that's all for today. I think.
I'll keep you posted. I think.
What I'm saying is, don't be surprised if I go all vacant for a month.
Ciaos. Te Amo, bimbs. (:

-Yours with a cherry on top-

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