It's about time I write a new post. (:
A lot of things have happened the past few days, so I might as well tell y'all all about it.
Hmm... for one, we managed to pull of Jia Ying's surprise party, well, without much surprise, but still.
Okay fine, sorry Tze Donn. It was kinda my fault that I didn't inform you first.
I had a great time, mainly because Jia Ying could come.
When she said she may not be able to come, I was seriously bombed. Fullstop.
As long as she was there, it would be a great time for sure. And it was for me. (:
Sigh. I'm really gonna miss you, Jia. And I know for sure lots and lots of people say that to you. :D Aren't you just loveable? (:
Other than that, Zipper's birthday.
For those of you who know who (or what) Zipper is, well then, good for you!
Zipper's turned 4 dog years and 28 human years! Even older than me. O_O
I wonder how old he'll be when his time comes. I hope he can live until 15 dog years (or more, I don't mind :D).
Since my mum and I watched TRON: Legacy that morning and went swimming after that, we didn't get to celebrate with him until evening.
Hehe. I put his 'Police Dog' outfit on him. It's quite realistic, except no badges and stuff.
Then we gave him a menthol bone that cleans his teeth and gums or something...
Anyway, he loves it. (:
My dad just got home a couple of weeks of work. Literally. Like just got home.
He bought some alcohol again, the drinkable kind.
Anyway, kids my age don't usually talk about booze, so let's talk movies.
TRON: Legacy.
Some people says it's sucky, but I think it's way cool.
Especially the grid game. Way awesome.
Glowing donuts right, Jason? Woots! :DD
And the bikes are cool too.
But the acting's not really all that great.
But the story's awesome.
I read from the internet that it's actually a sequel to the first movie TRON...
28 years ago.
So it's been a loooooooooong time.
I guess they've been waiting for the technology or something.
Well, the effects were something worth waiting for...
Time to go~!
Yours with a cherry on top
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