Chirpchirp! :D

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Other Side of Down (is UP)

Gosh. this song is uhm...gorgeous?
That sounds kinda gay.
Oh well. It is.
Uhm, gorgeous, I mean, not gay.
It's beautiful. The lyrics really mean a lot.
I know I sound like a romance-deprived old lady with nine cats right now, but I'm not.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
A lot of songs in the album are really full of meaning. Motivational.
It encourages you to go UP.
Keep striving.
Keep trying.
Keep going at it.
Expect failures, 'cause we're human (like duhh???)
If you expect to be perfect, you do not belong to this planet!!
That's a fact.
So deal with it.
The song really calms me down.
Especially since I've got something fairly important nagging in my mind.
But I keep refusing to do it. Because I'm lazy. (Not a really good excuse.)
I can't say what it is here, 'cause it's kinda P&C.
For certain eyes only.(:
You know, I really should listen to my mom.
She told me to start with the Maths and Science for next year.
And I know I should.
In fact, I'm willing too. But.......
Bit by bit.
Not all at once.
But my mom is kinda excited about it. And she keeps planning what books we should buy, how I can probably finish half the syllabus during the holidays.
And then I feel the pressure coming.
I really understand why it's important to start now.
I really do.
But it's a lot.
Just thinking about finishing the whole thing scares me.
I don't dare tell my mom, 'cause I'm afraid she might think I'm talking back or making up and excuse.
Don't get me wrong.
I totally get the fact that I'm not the victim here.
In fact, I have a lot to gain by doing this. A whole heap of goods.
Ugh, this coming from the 'smartie-pants'.
Whoever reads this must think I'm a total nerd now.
Well, it's called planning ahead.
That way, I can enjoy the future.
And have fun now.
So whoever disagrees, I don't care!!
As long as I'm happy, what's exactly the problem? (:


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