Chirpchirp! :D

Friday, January 7, 2011

First Times

First week of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At first I was excited like siao already man....ask all 1A1-ians...xD
Hui Er was also like that, since both of us transferred in. So it was our first first day in CHS.
First day was okay, I guess.
Except for the friggin' long speeches the Tuan Pengetua, PK HEM, PK KK and PK Petang.
I was starting to envy the prefects, at least get to stand while us normal people had to sit our butts off.
Then, we went back to class.
Pn. Hardeep is our form teacher.
First impression: Nice...
Second impresson: Intimidating, for some reason...
Third impression: Why give KT and PKT so much work wan?!!!!!
Yeah, I got voted as KT, and Hui Er as PKT.
I nominated her. XD
At first she really wanted to be Bendahari.
But she got 25 votes. Good for her. :D
I got 27.
16 from 1A1. Not bad...xD
So there were 11 non 1A1-ians that voted me and 9 for Hui Er.
Pn. Hardeep arranged the boys to sit at the front and girls at the back.
Well, except for Darius and Tze Donn. Poor things had to sit at the back with all of us.
They're too tall to sit in front anyway. So good for us.
Hui Er and missed most of Pn. Wong's class anyway, since we had loads of stuff to do.
So no, I don't really get it when SOME people say the she uses a lot of cheng yu in that lesson.
Well yes, I know she does. But people exaggerate...
And our Malay teacher...Cikgu *blurred out*
Wait. You can't hear that.
Lemme repeat that.
Cikgu *blurred out*
Yes, that's what we heard too.
Then, Hui Er and I peeked at his name tag when he walked past. Cikgu Azman....
I know it's bad to say this.
But he's really really bad at teaching. Hell, he can't teach.
Even when teaching ringkasan, he keeps reading from the book. The book I have some more...==
I also know how to do that larh....
He seems really scared of us, for some reason...xD
I like Pn. Morhana's lesson lots.
And no, I'm not saying that just because I'm riding in her car to and from school.
Pssst, I know where she lives. ;D
Haha. I DON'T STALK!!!
But her house quite nice leh...xD
Anyway, she's quite nice and funny. Even other classes say so too.
So I guess it's our luck.
Cik Ngan is also really nice to us girls during KH.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but she rocks!
She taught us about gays and fat dudes.
If you're under her, you'll know what this means...:DD
AGM was also on Thursday.
I can tell you, our Rumah Biru semangat tak ada at all.
Rumah Hijau was in the hall with us, and they were LOUD!!!!!
Plus Pn. Noraini got the mike, so Encik Lim had to talk normally, and we couldn't hear a thing.
So also don't know when to scream. ==
Chye Yi is captain. That's good.
Her sports is quite good.
She used to be in Lick Hung like me too. My mum used to work with her mum too.xD
Blaah. Got to go now.
Sigh. Once a week blogging..

Yours with a cherry on top,
idoubledare2000you (:

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