Just look at the little puppy face...
The poodle can stand quite properly for a dog. No need to get all the swear words out and tell it to do something physically impossible.
They're crazy.
And I'm disappointed to say they're actually Malaysians.
It's all over the news and even spreading widely on Facebook.
You can go search for it if you're interested in saving this poor little soul from this physical and verbal abuse. (: Really. The more the merrier.
I think SPCA is having something like a campaign. Go join it! It's for a formidable cause~~~! Like duh?? The poor poodle is really hurt...)=
It's been an emotional roller-coaster ride this week.
From the Cikgu-Azman-outburst to the laughting-at-names incident to the Domo Live Messenger joke-a-thon, I gotta say, 2A1 is growing on me.
Everyone's togetherness is so....perfect.
Of course, nothing's perfect.
The un-flawlessness of us all makes it perfect.
Like puzzle pieces made for one another, that's how I feel now...(: Everyone's nice. Not just pleasant. Nice. Approachable. Down-to-earth.
You make me wanna know you more, 2A1. :DD
Went to Book Xcess today!
Bought two books.
The Gift by Cecelia Ahern and Wuthering Heights.
And ahem, just realised that Wuthering Heights is really uhm...
Let's just say it's written in an ancient language which seems familiar..but totally not so at the same time. Confusing? Yes, it's confusing.
Ok, on to songs of the week babayy...No, I'm not talking about Justin Bieber.
But loads of people are talking bouts his concert.
The peeps at my BM tuition said that they made a huge banner that said 'Hit Bieber' and got it signed all over (including teachers, OMG!) AND AND AND they're gonna bring it to the concert!!!! AWESOME!!!
Hey, not to be coy and all. But I'm totally not a Bieber-hater, but I'm not exactly a groupie either...
Katy B.
Brainchild of Dubstep-cum-hot-hoochie-mama...
I gotta sort my brain out. SNap!!
Addictive man..
Yeah, I know. I said I wasn't addicted to anything on that one FB status, but gimme a break, copied-cat it...or is it copy-catted? Whatever. Copy-sea monkey-ed it.
Haha. Louder, louder, louder!!! SCREAM! YELL! SHOUT!
Woa...Hyper today... But I don't FEEL hyper... I'm just typing hyper.
Which is probably why I keep spelling typos since I'm typing so fast...
O' course, you don't see them... MY embarrasing side is for no one to glimpse. Gosh, that sounds emo. Gothic. Cool. Kinda like Wuthering Heights. Confusing. AAAAHHHHHHH!!!
I'm the brightest crayon in the box.........
Woah-kay, RAndom-ness plus one.
What's the plus one for?
I don't know.
If you guys still enjoy reading my crap. Please, do come.
Views per day are really steady. So it means there are some bored people with nothing better to do coming to my blog... Humility, nice .xDD
Haha. I thank you all. Gosh, sounds like We Are The Champions.
omg. just had a typo....We aTE THE cHAMPions..lolol!!!
So that's all the hyper-ness in a week.
M' loves you all!!!! :DDD Thanks for watching, g'night folks!!! (It's a gloomy afternoon, so it can pass as night, not really, but still, can't blame a girl for trying...xD
Yours with a cherry on top,
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