Chirpchirp! :D

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy-ness in a Nutshell

Happiness. (:
Full time?
As a teen?
Gosh, that must be hard.
(OK, it IS hard.Who's gonna deny that? Certainly not me.)
But we can make happiness.
Don't give a crap to those people that say emotions can't be controlled.
If this were true, we'd all be going true a rollercoaster of moods in a day.
Which does NOT happen!!
Obvious much.
Look at this:
"A guy asked me,
'What if I don't want to be happy?
What if I want to be miserable?'
I said, 'Be miserable - if it makes you happy!"
Make sense? 'Course it does.
There was a TV show about a guy named P.C. Taylor.
P.C. removes garbage. He and his team clean the subway tunnels in New York City - not the platforms, the tubes! He spends his life in the dirty, stinking, rat-infested, trash-ridden tunnels through which the trains run.
In the documentary, they took the cameras underground. It's like being in a long cave, but not so healthy. P.C. has been at this job for 25 years - killing the rats and hauling out the rubbish.
The interviewer asked P.C., "So do you like your job?"
"Like it?" he said. "I love it! Homeless people live down ther in those tunnels. And I'm helping to give them a better home. And while I'm helping the homeless, I'm putting my two daughters through college!"
P.C. is proud of his work.
He also proves that it is possible to find job satisfaction in a miserable workplace.
It's not actually the garbage and rats that excite him - it's his belief that he is helping to make the world a better place.
In other words, it's easier to do a lousy job if you are focused on WHY you do it. (:
Hehe. That was obviously from the book.
So don't say I wrote that, or I'll have the publishers running on my tail! xD

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