Chirpchirp! :D

Monday, November 29, 2010

Life Stinks

Not metaphorically.
My hair smells of chemicals right now.
And I can't wash my hair for three stinkin' days!!
Well, look on the bright side...My hair's straight.
Finally, my parents allow me to do rebonding after years (okay, just one) of begging.
Okay, not REALLY.
But I asked for it before.
So now it's my Christmas present. :DD
But I got a lot of Christmas/New Year presents...
Well, for one, I finally found the perfect pair of ballerina flats.
Then, there's the two T-shirts and a pair of shorts.
And four charms for my charm bracelet.
Sooooooo happy this year.(:
Wow, that sounds really...materialistic. I am, I mean. xD LOL.
Ugh, my back hurts from rebonding too.
Three hours straight in a chair.
No wonder people don't do these kind of things often.
Hui Er's back from Taiwan!!! :DD
My dad wants to go there some day...
He says it's 'cause of all the yummy hawker-style food.
Uhm, I'm not really into all that stuff.
I prefer gourmet. So I'll be flying to Paris, si'l vous plait. (:


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