Hello, old world.
I miss my own lonely banter, considering the fact that this blog is still kind of a newcomer, so it's just mostly me and my thoughts... (:
I'm currently rediscovering Twitter now, so if anyone has a Twitter account come, search me at @qicheng9481. Thanks! :D
And oh yeah, just watched "You Are the Apple of My Eye" yesterday.
I would give my comments in Mandarin but this computer doesn't have the right software for that.
So I guess I'll just be doing this in English then (:
For one, I've never actually finished the book.
For two, I don't actually HAVE the book.
For three, I'm currently reading it from an iPod/iPhone app (:
For four, so far it's really really good.
For five, there is no for five, I just wanted to keep the momentum coming...
Anyway the movie is rated 18+, but aside from the masturbation scenes and some fairly mild cursing, it's actually quite harmless and quite romantic.
You Are the Apple of My Eye (那些年,我們一起追的女孩) is a 2011 Taiwanese romance film based on the story of the same name by Taiwanese author Giddens. Giddens also made his directorial debut when he self-directed this film. The film stars actor Ko Chen-Tung, who plays Ko Ching-Teng, a prankster and a mischievous student who eventually becomes a writer. Actress Michelle Chenalso stars as Shen Chia-yi, an honor student who is very popular amongst the boys in her class.
This movie has broken records in China's movie box office, beating CJ7 which previously topped the list.
There's lotsa buzz flowing around about this movie, basically because it really is THE movie, the one that makes people stop and think: HEY, I DID THAT ONCE!
It's something that we can all relate to, simply and beautifully etched out onto film.
This movie mainly revolves around the lives of a group of teenagers who go to school, worry about exams, fool around, rebel against teachers and fall in love (and masturbate .___. , but let's not talk about that...)
Personally what did it in for me and made me cry the most of the second half of the movie where the conversations between Ko Ching-Teng and Shen Chia-yi.
Some of the things they said were epic and really tear-jerking, so kudos to Giddens for the stuff (:
Here are some of my all-time favourites...
1. 我想成为一个很厉害的人,
2. .沈佳宜:
3. "沈佳宜,你相信平行时空吗?或许,在另一个时空,我们是在一起的。”
5. “我错了,原来当你真的真的真的非常喜欢一个女孩。当她有人疼,有人爱,你会真心祝福她永远幸福快乐。”
And my absolute favourite...
“我就是幼稚, 才有办法追你追这么久。”
沈佳宜:“那你就不要追了阿! 笨蛋!”
柯景腾:“对啦! 我就是大笨蛋才能追你追那么久!”
I mean, do guys like this even exist? o.o Okay, I'm sure they do, they just have husbands.
Y'know, the whole time in this movie, the girl is always the grown-up one, and the guy is the immature one...
But I'm starting to wonder, maybe the world's not like that anymore?
Sometimes guys don't feel so much, don't emote so much that they have the time to really think things through, and maybe, maybe they're the mature ones.
And girls well... me, maybe I'm the one that's living in the bubble of my own world, the one where I think everything is lovely and I smile and pretend to smile even though everything's so not fine.
Ugh, I'm derailing again.
I'd seriously recommend this movie to everyone who's anyone who knows Mandarin. Seriously, try it.
It may blow your socks off :D
It certainly did for me, not that I was wearing any socks. Figure of speech (:
And ohmygoshhhhhhhhh, the official soundtrack for the movie is beautiful. It perfectly describes the whole situation in the movie and can really be related to when in bad times.
又回到最初的起点 记忆中你青涩的脸
You hui dao zui chu de qi dian ji yi zhong ni qing se de
Wo men zhong yu lai dao le zhe yi tian
Zhuo dian xia de lao zhao pian wu shu hui yi lian jie
Jin tian nan hai yao fu nuu hai zui hou de yue
又回到最初的起点 呆呆地站在镜子前
You hui dao zui chu de qi dian dai dai de zhan zai
jing zi qian
Ben zhuo ji shang hong se ling dai de jie
将头发梳成大人模样 穿上一身帅气西装
Jiang tou fa shu cheng da ren mo yang chuan shang yi
shen shuai qi xi zhuang
Deng hui er jian ni yi ding bi xiang
xiang mei
Hao xiang zai hui dao na xie nian de
shi guang
回到教室座位前后 故意讨你温柔的骂
Hui dao jiao shi zuo wei qian hou gu yi tao
ni wen rou de ma
黑板上排列组合 你舍得解开吗
Hei ban shang pai lie zu he ni she de
jie kai ma
Shei yu shei zuo ta you ai zhe ta
那些年错过的大雨 那些年错过的爱情
Na xie nian cuo guo de da yu na xie nian cuo guo de ai
好想拥抱你 拥抱错过的勇气
Hao xiang yong bao ni yong bao cuo guo de yong qi
曾经想征服全世界 到最后回首才发现
Ceng jing xiang zheng fu quan shi jie dao zui hou hui
shou cai fa xian
Zhe shi jie di di dian dian quan bu dou
shi ni
那些年错过的大雨 那些年错过的爱情
Na xie nian cuo guo de da yu na xie nian cuo
guo de ai qing
好想告诉你 告诉你我没有忘记
Hao xiang gao su ni gao su ni wo mei you
wang ji
那天晚上满天星星 平行时空下的约定
Na tian wan shang man tian xing xing ping xing
shi kong xia de yue ding
Zai yi ci xiang yu wo hui jin jin
bao zhe ni
Jin jin bao zhe ni
Repeat *
Repeat **
Repeat Chorus x2
I think my favourite line is is "曾经想征服全世界, 到最后回首才发现, 这世界滴滴点点全部都是你" (:
I raped the YouTube Replay button for this song .____. Seriously.
It's too too too too too good.
I'm trying to find the piano score for this song.
This is the nicest so far, posted by Isabel on Facebook (:
Time's running up! I'm getting going, if that makes sense...
Yours with a cherry on top and seriously in love,
Qi Cheng.
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