Chirpchirp! :D

Sunday, November 13, 2011


As per usual, my life is not very interesting. So really, I don't see the point in sharing every little detail.
Ok fine. I don't know why, but I'm kinda down today.
I'm starting to find it annoying when people bug me on Facebook.
And well, as all things I find annoying, I feel like punching these people.
But hey, we can't all have what we want.
Especially if those people don't understand what kind of moods I'm in.
So yeah. Got a haircut today.
Shorter than I anticipated, but still hanging in there.
Probably gonna get another round of rebonding by December, 'cos all my 'rebonded' locks have already been chopped off. T_T
I don't know actually, I kinda like my new hairstyle.
It's short, but it just reaches my shoulders, so I guess it's not THAT short.
It's bouncy, and really fun to fling around, not that there's much to fling, but it's still fun. :D
Ugh, I just hope it doesn't become a nightmare when I wake up tomorrow.
My hair just doesn't really work well after a night's tossing and turning, dreaming and screaming ...
Gosh, I sound goth.
HAVE TO CHEER UP *forces smile* Okay, maybe not the best idea ever, but worth a try...
It's taking FOREVER to upload the photos of 11/11/11 on Facebook.
Apparently the leftover uploading time stands at 5 minutes now. ticktockticktock!
4 minutes.
I've just Googled interesting facts 'cos I was bored and I found this website and clicked on World Facts.
One that interests me is the topic Mystery Missing Dates.
Apparently, the days/dates between 2nd and 14th September in 1752 did not exist!
So that means, people would fall asleep on the 2nd, and wake up the next day.. and the date would be the 14th of September.
This actually happened because 1752 was the year that the calendar changed from the Julian (as in Julius Caesar) calender to the Gregorian (as in Pope Gregory XIII) calender and because the Julian calendar did not have any leap years, they had to cut out dates to make the years correct for the new calender.
So the people literally lost about 11 days of their lives. (But hey, they got a full month's pay from their jobs, so it's a good thing righte? Less work more money...:D)
But it seems as if this is not the only case where days or dates have gone missing.
Apparently dates have also gone missing in France in the year 1582, Austria in 1584 and Norway in 1700.
I tried Googling this but it kinda backfired.
Instead a song called Missing popped up, so.. FAIL. -.-
Let's do it... xD
Let's Google Google.
I mean, like seriously.
If you are already on Google.
And you Google Google.
Google just pops up in your results list.
Which equals just opening Google again.
So what's the point of even Googling Google?
Geddit? :D
Haha, Imma just being random.
I should really paste this in the Random Team. xD
Yep, just did. :D
Okay, I think I've just about crapped enough today! (:
Catch you later ma bibbles!

Yours with a cherry on top,
Qi Cheng

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